Placebo's TK: January 2005

Placebo's TK

Friday, January 28, 2005

Float's article + Ice cubes!

I tried to demonstrate TK to my dad yesterday... but unfortunately I was way too tense :(
Anyway, I'll try it again soon

After he left, my TK was better, but still not as good as usual.
It gradually got better, until I felt happy to try out spinning some folded foil (on a table)
I found it pretty hard, but I got it to budge a few times

The next morning I had another session with some success. I was thinking about the fact that I had rotated an ice-cube a while back - so I ended my session by going to the kitchen and trying that again.

And to my suprise... the ice cube seems easier than the foil :?
I wondered if it was heat from my fingers, so I tried more distance, and being careful with hand positions - but it seemed all good
I didn't spin it as much as I had previously, but it's something :D

On a different note, Float has published an article, which you can find here
It's quite well written, and to the point in my opinion

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Keith Again *shake head*

This morning I had a short TK session. Within only a minute or two I had very good directional control of the straw. Quite happy with that :D

Of course, I shouldn't be practicing on spinning straws ... :P
It's too big a temptation cos I can control it so nicely :D


Keith Mayes Responds
Finally Keith responds to my farewell post.
And what do I find... wow.

First - he deletes my post where I mentioned the fact that he has not responded to me in a matter of weeks. Good going, Mr Anti-Censorship. Yet another example of hypocrisy to accompany the countless others.

Second, he completely ignores my questions and resorts to questioning my progress since that annoying setback I had (during the holidays + no practice)
Once again - the selective approach of these scientists baffles me
A bit of forum 'file drawer effect' seems to be evident here :P
Ignore some of it, and insult the rest. Nicely done, Mr Objective.

There are 2 comments I can't resist but pick at ...

But 18 days of Greg 'practising' and he's still not back to his previous alleged level where he claimed to have '70% control' when rotating the straw - by TK not
Here he assumes that I have not regained my abilities. Pity he has that excuse about not being able to view my video, otherwise he'd be able to be more objective in his statements :P
Of course, it would prove nothing, but I find it a good measurement of what I'm claiming my skills to be.

Don't worry, old man, I'll get round to the intentionality test in good time. No rush, as you said - I wouldn't want to disappoint. I'm in no hurry to prove anything - you're the one who is slinging the 'TK Is Fake' mud around.

As always, my intention is to develop this skill (whatever it is), and determine the basis' behind it. Both practical and scientific. Proving it to the likes of Keith (read: impossible) isn't worth the effort. One day when I can move coins with ease, I'll walk into a univerity lab.

You can either demonstrate TK or you can't

Oh, is that right? In the world of Keith, telekinesis should be black and white, and 100% reproducible, eh?
Well I'm finding it not too far off from 100% lately, but that really is besides the point.

I guess Andre Agassi cannot play tennis whatsoever, because he cannot consistently defeat his opponents? Or perform perfect serves?

You see, Keith considers TK to be a mundane external physical phenomenon (or just plain delusional)
Under that basis, his statements make perfect sense.
However I would have thought it obvious that the ability I claim isn't a light switch I just flick on/off - it's a more involved ability that requires a certain level of skill and practice.
And once again, I'm doing pretty good on consistency - but I find his ignorance annoying.

Now I'm not saying I'm special - it just takes time and effort to get to what I'm doing. And you generally have to be very determined. In my case 4 months leaves me only able to push straws around :P
It took 4 years for Float to move coins...
(Of course, some find it easier than others - just like some have talent in playing tennis)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A subject :P

Don't worry, I'm not dead. I've been practicing but leaving my blog unattended :)
I've been working on knocking folded paper and foil over - as well as pushing down on the end of a balanced straw.
Doing okay on both, but nothing good enough for video yet :/

I got my hands on virtualdubmod, which has revolutionised my video situation on the Win2k machine. I can record into divx now! :D
So I made another straw vid to record my skill level at the moment

I like the result because its raw and uncut
Of course, this is not proof and its not a controlled environment. It's simply an example of my progress.
There are 2 girls in the background (sitting still) for example - but you can see quite plainly that
I had control of it to a large extent.

Here we go: Uncut TK on 25 Jan
Enjoy! :D

Friday, January 21, 2005

Interesting Developments

I've doubled my practices over the last 2 days, and made considerable progress
After chatting with Float (guy from ppsociety/psipog) he insisted that I should stop with the straw, lest it hamper my progress. He suggested rolling soda cans and knocking over folded foil
I tried the foil, and got it to 'wiggle' but thats about it :(

However I've continued playing with the straw as part of my practice and seem to have made some sense of the sensations in my body when I do TK. I'll try to describe how I found them and where they are :

When I started with TK, I had pressure feelings in my forehead, similar to the throbbing pressure you get from a migraine (not painful by itself though). I was convinced that this sensation had a lot to do with TK. So I began to play with it over my practice sessions, keeping note of what works and what didn't.

What complicated things was that my mood and state of mind played a big part in my success. However I soon noted that the sensation was primarily in these areas:

  • On my forehead 3cm above my eyes, on either side. Quite a large area, and indecisive.
  • In the area of my temples. Also a fairly indecisively large area
  • Tingling sensations in my fingers and sides of my hands
  • Occasional sensations from my solar plexus/chest area - but different from the others. More like an adrenaline rush (something I've learnt to do consciously since I was young)

Those were very vague areas, and I could not tell for sure which ones were important, and for what. People from ppsociety will recall how vague my methods were, and how complicated - they incorporated all the other methods. However recently I've noticed that I have begun to localise and specialiase on those methods and the sensations. And this morning I localised the sensations quite well.

My observation so far -

  • There are 4 spots are in my head, and they are symmetrical
  • Place your finger in the middle of your left eyebrow. Behind that bone is more or less the one spot. This one seems fairly important, and is a lot sharper/more focussed than before. I didn't expect it to be here actually, the sensation seems to have lowered a lot - like 3cm :P
  • The temple spot seems to have also sharpened a lot, and is now localised. Put your finger by the leftmost point of your left eye. Now move up until you find your eyebrow - there will be the sharp piece of bone that ends your eye socket. Now follow a diagonal path left and up for about 2 cm. This one is a lot harder to pinpoint when doing TK, and it is a dull, lighter pressure that feels deeper inside my head.
  • Now mirror those 2 spots onto your right eye, and you have the 4 head spots I'm experiencing sensations in when doing TK.
  • It seems to me that the hands, solar plexus, crown of head, base of spine - all those areas where people claim to have sensations, are all amplifiers. You'll notice that it generally corresponds to the chakra positions, and I believe chakras are simply those spots that are a sort of outlet for the energy itself (whatever it is)
  • Of course these are just pressure and tingling sensations and are not able to cause logical choice of what you are doing. I believe that training of the subconscious/unconscious is the only way to develop control, and this is achieved with practice. By 'subconscious' I am simply talking about the same thing you feel when you move your arm. You don't control each muscle consciously, but you rely on your subconscious to fill in the details. It seems the same thing with TK, for me ;)

Other interesting news - 'bradybaker' on DreamViews has either been taken by aliens and replaced by a clone or he has also been practicing TK. For those of you who don't know DreamViews members, bradybaker is one of our biggest sceptics and is generally quite an argumentative guy.

Anyway, he's been practicing for a few weeks on toothpicks in water, and then suddenly seemed able to move it. He was totally blown away, and managed to do it again. He seems a bit confused at this stage of course.

Naturally, it might end up that he isn't doing true TK, but I doubt it - based on the fact that he had weeks of NOT fooling himself and the fact that he's the most sceptical guy on DreamViews.

I'm rooting for him, because naturally I appreciate sceptics for their lack of fluffiness, and generally good minds - good luck brady ;)

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Almost ready for next level

Yesterday I had excellent progress, and my biggest barrier was 'thinking too much' - I had to literally dull my mind and my TK would suddenly exceed anything I've done thus far.

Today however, I find myself moving the straw quite slowly and with great effort.
After a while I began to get better, but it wasn't a particularly good practice.
What probably caused this was that I was quite irritable - bad day at work :)

Once I'm happy with my control, I will first move into a new TK exercise - a knocking over a folded piece of foil (or spinning it perhaps)
After I have some success I will return to the straw and perform my tests.

Until later...

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Farewell to Keith

The weather continues to be cold and wet, which is helpful for investigative purposes.
I did very well yesterday, and am very close to my previous level of ability.
However I find that the time it gets for me to find that 'sweet spot' tends to be less consistent than I'd like. I will continue to practice until I feel I can do an official test some justice.

Keith Mayes' Site

I have decided to no longer participate in Keith Mayes' site, as Keith has now labelled me as unobjective - purely for being a TKer and being a member on

All that would result, should I remain on his site, would be insults and mud-slinging as to our objectivity and the existence of TK. I had no intention of turning Keith into a born-again believer in TK, however I will sorely miss his scientific mind - for the sake of my progress.

I will continue my tests at home, as best as I can conceive, and will one day approach a university parapsychology department for advice. I would like to develop my ability to be more 'second nature' before I place myself in such a stressful environment.

For those wishing to know what my farewell looked like, you can either look the page on Keith Mayes' site - page 2

I've pasted it here for convenience too...

Hi Keith

Quote: [Trying to put the wrong words in my mouth is not only a cheap trick but is also a very foolish policy to pursue when my words are all down in black & white. Show me where I have ever said static was purely down to the weather. It’s just one factor of many, and I have made this very clear in my main article. However, in your particular case, perhaps I should have spelled it out even clearer. In my last post perhaps I should have completely reprinted my article on static instead of being lazy and not precise enough for you. I didn't think it necessary, but obviously I was wrong.]

I am simply using the very same argument you used yourself recently - in reply to my results. When discussing my results thus far, you are quick to mention weather. However when I mention how the weather did *not* tie in with results for a day - you consider me as 'missing your point' (in essence)

I have read your arguments on static and have researched it myself too , as you well know.

Quote: [QUOTE “ What's happened here? Well Keith has made a few videos displaying TK-like effects, using garden-variety air movement, static and suchlike. Other than alerting us to the dangers, I don't quite see the point now. I believe we're losing the plot, and will not go further on that line of thought.”]

Perhaps this was written in a slightly misleading way. When I say "will not go further on this line of thought", you had set your mind on those explanations and had no reason to explore alternate answers. This seems reasonable from your perspective, however you managed to ignore many of our questions in that regard. These explanations do not yet sufficiently explain my own experiences. They do however bring us to possible explanations of very specific examples of TK Of course, your opinion will differ here

Quote: [All I said was “ Your ppsociety postings confirm how much you are into it.”]

No, once again you are twisting my words and misrepresenting them. If you place it in context, you'll find this:

Quote: [So much so, that like all 'tkers' you are unable to be objective. There is therefore no point to your 'tests']

And I guess I'll have to spell out what those words mean to any reasonable person reading it:

  1. You state that all TKers are unobjective.
  2. I am a TKer, and member of ppsociety
  3. Thus, I am one of them.
  4. Thus I am unobjective and any further tests and discussion are pointless ("therefore no point to your 'tests'")

This blatant, biased generalisation leaves me completely stunned. If being a TKer means I am unobjective then this claim is no better than those TKers that claimed *you* to be unobjective for the opposite reason. How laughable is that? Yes - I am easily amused. This is your choice of course, and so be it.

Please enlighten me, if I have misunderstood your black and white statements - as you misunderstood mine.

What also stuns me, is that you have known I was a TKer all this time. We all agreed that we were on opposite ends of the field. However suddenly this has dawned on you as a reason to shut the door on any discussion regarding any experimentation (eg my tests). If this is the way you feel, well, what can I say? It's your life...

On the one hand, you urge us, as TKers, to experiment and test our abilities. Then on the other hand, you call all TKers unobjective and state that any testing would be pointless. I guess we're all doomed :/

I have no interest in more insulting, pointless debate as to the existence of TK - as that was never my purpose here. I honestly had the interests of discussion regarding the experiments themselves. It seems that this forum seems to be more of a mud-sling match about the existence of TK - something that can certainly not be proven on a forum - I do not see the point to this sort of argument.

As such, I will continue my own experiments as best as I can manage, and as I am able. And unfortunately without your expertise, which I wil sorely miss. My progress journal will stay available for anyone interested ( I thank you for the help you have provided thus far - much of the information was invaluable.

I was, and remain, open to explanation as to my abilities, non-TK or otherwise. However as I already stated I require those explanations to be sufficient. Thus far no explanations have been presented from any corner that fully explain my experiences - and I thus require further development and investigation. I had hopes of obtaining advice from you as to my testing methods, but it seems that you've closed the door based on my experiences and personal beliefs.


Saturday, January 15, 2005

Getting There

Yesterday it was pissing with rain - quite miserable weather. In other words, very humid and without lightning - generally bad news for static.
My practice went very well, and was almost up to standard with my previous skills prior to my 2 week lack of practice.

The straw moved well from a reasonable distance, and I tested that my fingers were not generating static (the straw remained completely stationary with my fingers next to it - both before and after using TK from distance)

Of course that doesn't disprove static, but it certainly renews my confidence.
I wish to get the my ability up to a reasonable standard before attempting those two tests.
I'd like to do the tests some justice...

Thursday, January 13, 2005


I'm very slowly regaining my ability. I was spinning a foil rectangle on a staple yesterday - without hands
The straw moves with more difficulty :/

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Long time ago...

A week or two ago, I mentioned to some that I intended to do some extended tests
on my abilities. Note that I've done tests before, but this time I'm taking it a bit further for a
variety of reasons

I have not been able to do them yet, as I've had guests, and honestly - got lazy
in the holiday season after my guests left

After getting back to the task, I've found my abilities to be far far less consistent
now - for whatever reason. So I'll be taking a bit of time to get back into the swing of things

Keith Mayes

What's happened here? Well Keith has made a few videos displaying TK-like effects,
using garden-variety air movement, static and suchlike. Other than alerting us to the dangers, I don't quite see the point now. I believe we're losing the plot, and will not go further on that line of thought. I'm also becoming disillusioned with the beligerent, 'nasty' attitude of that forum

He also believes my ability to be purely static, hence the extended experiments
below. I'll not be suprised if I fail the second one, at first. I'll keep trying in that case - perhaps after more practice.

Extended Experiments
Here's what I planned:

1 - Elimination of Static (as best as possible)

Spin a straw, with extended measures to prevent static and air movement.Record with webcam.

  • Close all doors and windows. Cover mouth. Make no sudden, fast movement.
  • Place pinwheels around the straw (to watch air movement)
  • Before attempting, for 10 minutes record the straw with no attempt to move it
  • Rub a plastic ruler in my hair, and show that the static can affect it
  • Use an antistatic mat, with wristband. Place straw on mat, and attempt to
    ground it first
  • Attempt to place the straw on a circular object, if possible (has been
    indicated as a possible problem)
  • Humidify the air, with a large wide bucket of boiling water
  • Play with the plastic ruler again, record the difference
  • Move the straw from a distance of at least 30 cm (telekinetically ?)

2 - Intentionality Test

Using a coin, and another person in the room. Toss coin to determine direction. Heads = clockwise. I'll probably use a straw, and will post the rules later (before attempting this)