Keith Again *shake head*
This morning I had a short TK session. Within only a minute or two I had very good directional control of the straw. Quite happy with that :D
Of course, I shouldn't be practicing on spinning straws ... :P
It's too big a temptation cos I can control it so nicely :D
Keith Mayes Responds
Finally Keith responds to my farewell post.
And what do I find... wow.
First - he deletes my post where I mentioned the fact that he has not responded to me in a matter of weeks. Good going, Mr Anti-Censorship. Yet another example of hypocrisy to accompany the countless others.
Second, he completely ignores my questions and resorts to questioning my progress since that annoying setback I had (during the holidays + no practice)
Once again - the selective approach of these scientists baffles me
A bit of forum 'file drawer effect' seems to be evident here :P
Ignore some of it, and insult the rest. Nicely done, Mr Objective.
There are 2 comments I can't resist but pick at ...
But 18 days of Greg 'practising' and he's still not back to his previous alleged level where he claimed to have '70% control' when rotating the straw - by TK notHere he assumes that I have not regained my abilities. Pity he has that excuse about not being able to view my video, otherwise he'd be able to be more objective in his statements :P
Of course, it would prove nothing, but I find it a good measurement of what I'm claiming my skills to be.
Don't worry, old man, I'll get round to the intentionality test in good time. No rush, as you said - I wouldn't want to disappoint. I'm in no hurry to prove anything - you're the one who is slinging the 'TK Is Fake' mud around.
As always, my intention is to develop this skill (whatever it is), and determine the basis' behind it. Both practical and scientific. Proving it to the likes of Keith (read: impossible) isn't worth the effort. One day when I can move coins with ease, I'll walk into a univerity lab.
You can either demonstrate TK or you can't
Oh, is that right? In the world of Keith, telekinesis should be black and white, and 100% reproducible, eh?
Well I'm finding it not too far off from 100% lately, but that really is besides the point.
I guess Andre Agassi cannot play tennis whatsoever, because he cannot consistently defeat his opponents? Or perform perfect serves?
You see, Keith considers TK to be a mundane external physical phenomenon (or just plain delusional)
Under that basis, his statements make perfect sense.
However I would have thought it obvious that the ability I claim isn't a light switch I just flick on/off - it's a more involved ability that requires a certain level of skill and practice.
And once again, I'm doing pretty good on consistency - but I find his ignorance annoying.
Now I'm not saying I'm special - it just takes time and effort to get to what I'm doing. And you generally have to be very determined. In my case 4 months leaves me only able to push straws around :P
It took 4 years for Float to move coins...
(Of course, some find it easier than others - just like some have talent in playing tennis)
Err, I was told that only bloggers can comment. Sorry about that folks - I've turned that off now :)
Chilliboy, at 1:42 AM
You know, I realised much this debaucle reminded me of the french collaborating with Hitler during WWII.
Now I'm not excusing myself from it; I 'collaborated' as well. I also naively thought that there might be some good to be gotten out of humouring our aggressor.
Alright, that aside: forget Mayes. We don't need him. He's going to end up running errands for Randi anyway.
Leave him to stew in his unscientific bigotry.
Good work on your directional control, though :D
If we ever decide to goe toe-to-toe with other sceptics, the fact that we can consciously control the direction of movement is argument that I have never seen explained away yet.
-- DataTek
Anonymous, at 2:08 AM
yo placebo, i dissapeared off the map for a while but im back. keith sounds like your average scientist, they only believe in something if they can pull it apart. Anyhoo im on my way to being a comp programmer all i have to do is enrol this evening and it will be all sweet. Good luck with the Tk- just encase i dissapear off the map again for a week.....
SlippedInsane, at 8:59 PM
Congrats SiS, and thanks..
I see we still haven't taught you to use English properly :P
Chilliboy, at 2:15 AM
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