New Host
I've bought myself some decent space of my own with a nice subdomain, and will be moving everything over soon - after designing my own blog system + site. Could be fun, I don't know php or mysql :P
Let's see... TK has taken a back seat for a while. I've decided to use it as an experiment for what happens with a longer-than-2-week break.
But not to worry, I'll be back into it soon.
The decision was triggered by a lot of personal events taking place at once - eg. the building of my new home before I have to move. Once everything beds down, and I'm rested, I'll be back :)
In addition to the stressful things, I've had one or two happy ones. I have myself a bearded dragon, a new kitten, and a decent digital camera.
I set up a simple webcam for Norbert (the dragon) at
Other pics of my pets, excluding the new one :
Anyway, I know this posting was largely unrelated to TK, but it's my blog so BLEH!
So onto house building, wedding anniversaries (with holidays), debt handling, electronics work, heavy secular work and website building...
That's great, I'm looking forward to seeing that. Blogger never does really cut it if you're getting more serious about blogging, does it? :P
Hopefully I'll be getting my own hosting place and domain name soon as well, which will be nice.
Instead of creating your own system, I'd reccomend you try Wordpress first.
I've used it for three months now and it's not failed me once for customizability, usability and stability. It's all set up as a pretty robust blogging system with categories, comments, all the decent moderating systems yada yada yada, but I can just jump into the PHP code and program myself anything new I'd like if the need calls for it, or program a plugin to do it in a much cleaner way.
It uses PHP and mySQL, and has a pretty damn easy setup. Three steps - type your mySQL password, username and database, name of blog, email and off you go. :P It's all hosted on your own server.
Best thing is, it's free. The rest of this post is just gonna be a ramble on how great I've found it. You might find it useful, coming from me (and you know how unforgiving I am to things that don't work right ;))
It's really customizable, as you can tell from my blog design. It's also got this "pages" system, that lets you sort of dynamically add pages via the blog admin panel, not unlike your pet pages and webcam pages, and simplifies maintainence in that sense.
It comes packaged with Kubrick, a real nice standard theme by the guy at Binary Bonsai - it's real customizable. You might not be able to tell, but my blog is built off of Kubrick. If you get it, you'll want to customize it, inevitably - it's real easy if you've got no knowledge of PHP. Most of it is HTML, but when you do want to start doing all your if crap, you'll find it easy enough. PHP is like C++, except with a bunch of different names and some useful functions included in the package. :P
So, yeah, give it a try. It's a million times easier than creating your own blog system (I mean, are you willing to build your own pingback, trackback and comments system alongside everything else?) If you are, then you're a much stronger willed person than I am. ;)
Oh, and the category system would allow you to run your own life alongside your telekinesis stuff, too. You can set up shitloads of categories in Wordpress.
If you end up using it, I hope you find it as fun as I do. I'm hooked on it, and I'm always designing it - the design does look nothing like Kubrick does now, and I'm pretty proud of it.
Anyway, yada yada yada. Have a good time :D
Anonymous, at 7:06 AM
I forgot to mention it can import your old blogger posts too. And I think, although I'm not sure, it's able to do comments as well now :P
Anonymous, at 7:10 AM
Thanks - chances are I'll use a 3rd party blog system and that one
sounds good ;)
The new design would really be the customisation and look of it. Plus
a few extra features maybe
And this one has been seriously pizzing me off - it often won't publish, or takes forever to reflect. For example, there's a new post in here, that was meant to reflect 2 days ago :P
Gonna try republish again...
Chilliboy, at 10:01 AM
Ah. that 'post that won't reflect' is the very post you responded to. I'm guessing YOU can see it and *I* CAN'T?!?
That does it... blogspot is going..
Chilliboy, at 10:02 AM
yo Placebo, hows SA and the tk practice going? When are you re-locating your blog? see you on pps
SlippedInsane, at 11:31 PM
I did some practice yesterday and got some suprisingly good success, considering. However I'm a little unsure whether there was a draught - the wind was howling :/
Nevertheless, I'll be slowly getting back into TK practice over the next couple of days.
I've got so much going on, I haven't had much time to redesign my site either.
I guess everyone will just have to wait ;)
Chilliboy, at 1:29 AM
well if we have to wait the end product has to be good ;)
SlippedInsane, at 1:41 AM
*poke* wake up you crazy caffine addicted south african..
Anonymous, at 5:20 AM
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