First Chart
This morning I got an hour or so to practice. So after some warmups I established a test.
I constructed a HTML page that alternated red/green every 60 seconds. Green meant go, and red, well, stop.
I then document the absolute amount of movement made in those cycles
And produce a graph of the results
I'll call this test Absolute Movement Switching Test for lack of a better name at this point
Anyway, I did a AMST with 60 seconds switching on a balanced straw.
Thankfully I could keep the straw from becoming 'stuck' on the bottle it was balanced upon, so that wasn't a problem.
Weather: Wet, without lightning
Position: My keyboard + hands kept under the desk. Straw balanced on top of desk and bottle. No body movement allowed except to record data on the keyboard.
Environment: Room closed, mouth covered, no creatures or humans in the room.
Static: Tests were ineffective in moving the straw with static.
Score Rating: 1.7 (loose James Conrad level index)
Comments: It was fairly difficult to switch on and off :P. Lately my TK abilities have not been optimal, but I feel this is a reasonable result - if not entirely consistent and impressive.
(Click to enlarge - blue like is 'TK-On' and purple is 'TK-Off')
I still have to change my explanation page :)
Looking at that graph, that's pratically conclusive evidence of telekinesis, assuming we don't have an external things acting upon it. That's intresting stuff - keep it up.
Anonymous, at 8:34 AM
Thanks :)
However it can't be considered as conclusive evidence until a reputable scientist/magician oversees it in a controlled environment.
As for external forces - I doubt there was an external force that acted in 1 minute intervals :)
Chilliboy, at 9:10 AM
Good point :P
Anonymous, at 9:41 AM
maybe it was the tk elves playing a trick on you..
SlippedInsane, at 2:18 AM
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