Ups & Downs
I haven't had a lot of time to TK the last few days. Busy busy busy :(
And 2 days ago I suddenly found myself unable to do any TK whatsoever o.O
Obviously that left me quite concerned - but it became evident that I was becoming sick. Particular sicknesses may have a negative impact on it. Obviously this is just an assumption - it could have also been the bad mood I was in, the bad practice, etc etc (who knows :?)
Anyway, yesterday evening I was almost on par again - and this morning my damn alarm didn't go off so I missed TK practice again.
But based on yesterday evening, I'm quite confident that it was just a temporary glitch
Someone requested a vid of the ice cube. I can try arrange it, but I usually do it on the kitchen counter. And I use a webcam ...
I'll see what I come up with, but don't hold your breath
The ice cube doesn't move that fast - I just like the fact that it rotates at all :P
Oh, another thing - I think my previous observations regarding bodily sensations were slightly inaccurate. But then it's a work in progress, so that's to be expected. I might have actually done myself some injustice by trying to use only the observations I mentioned... it's not as simple as that.
Basically my temples and upper areas of my head are more important than I thought, and only using those 2 spots on my eyes doesn't work by itself (or even with hands)
It's a confusing thing, so I'm still trying to work out what things are necessary and which are optional :P
Like I said - work in progress...
PS: About the ice cube - I'm not talking about an ice cube sliding on the desk - that could easily be a slight slope on the surface. I was spinning it slowly. Very slowly.
hope you do make an ice cube vid, t'would be cool. Cheers' SiS
SlippedInsane, at 1:15 AM
Placebo where have you been man? i have had an idea. Instead of practicing spinning things with tk i might practice pushing things over and build up untill i can push people over from the other side of the room, would be funny. ciao gtg get ready for first class.
SlippedInsane, at 6:51 PM
That sounds.. uh... ambitious :)
Well, you might find it interesting that some good TKers are against any 'balanced' exercises
So rolling / pushing is a good move. But I find it quite tough
Chilliboy, at 1:44 AM
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