Placebo's TK: Struggling for time

Placebo's TK

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Struggling for time

AAarg.. shit... I edited this post instead of posting a new one *grrr*
Okay, sorry, this post was originally about a strange experience I had with foil
That may or may not have been me

That said - we can all assume it wasn't me and I can continue practice anyway
The link was :

I also had a post or two about a Dr Shen Hongxun - doctor of both western and chinese medicine and tai chi grandmaster. He claims to have abilities that are quite something. Here's his life story :

I've really had so little time for anything lately :(
Too much work, too little play (Not that TK doesn't feel like work sometimes... )
So no news, no change. Everything is about the same still.

Here's an interesting link though :
Of course, the guy is an parapsychological anomalies investigator, so he is a tad biassed perhaps
But he could be right about some of it


  • It could be, and certainly by following Occam's razor - there's no reason to claim it as being me.
    But I can't rule it out either, so I'll definitely keep practicing :)

    Last night I had little bits of success again, and I tried the balanced straw again. Immediate success, but foil seems a lot more difficult

    By Blogger Chilliboy, at 12:14 AM  

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