The weather continues to be cold and wet, which is helpful for investigative purposes.
I did very well yesterday, and am very close to my previous level of ability.
However I find that the time it gets for me to find that 'sweet spot' tends to be less consistent than I'd like. I will continue to practice until I feel I can do an official test some justice.
Keith Mayes' Site
I have decided to no longer participate in Keith Mayes' site, as Keith has now labelled me as unobjective - purely for being a TKer and being a member on
All that would result, should I remain on his site, would be insults and mud-slinging as to our objectivity and the existence of TK. I had no intention of turning Keith into a born-again believer in TK, however I will sorely miss his scientific mind - for the sake of my progress.
I will continue my tests at home, as best as I can conceive, and will one day approach a university parapsychology department for advice. I would like to develop my ability to be more 'second nature' before I place myself in such a stressful environment.
For those wishing to know what my farewell looked like, you can either look the page on Keith Mayes' site - page 2
I've pasted it here for convenience too...
Hi Keith
Quote: [Trying to put the wrong words in my mouth is not only a cheap trick but is also a very foolish policy to pursue when my words are all down in black & white. Show me where I have ever said static was purely down to the weather. It’s just one factor of many, and I have made this very clear in my main article. However, in your particular case, perhaps I should have spelled it out even clearer. In my last post perhaps I should have completely reprinted my article on static instead of being lazy and not precise enough for you. I didn't think it necessary, but obviously I was wrong.]
I am simply using the very same argument you used yourself recently - in reply to my results. When discussing my results thus far, you are quick to mention weather. However when I mention how the weather did *not* tie in with results for a day - you consider me as 'missing your point' (in essence)
I have read your arguments on static and have researched it myself too , as you well know.
Quote: [QUOTE “ What's happened here? Well Keith has made a few videos displaying TK-like effects, using garden-variety air movement, static and suchlike. Other than alerting us to the dangers, I don't quite see the point now. I believe we're losing the plot, and will not go further on that line of thought.”]
Perhaps this was written in a slightly misleading way. When I say "will not go further on this line of thought", you had set your mind on those explanations and had no reason to explore alternate answers. This seems reasonable from your perspective, however you managed to ignore many of our questions in that regard. These explanations do not yet sufficiently explain my own experiences. They do however bring us to possible explanations of very specific examples of TK Of course, your opinion will differ here
Quote: [All I said was “ Your ppsociety postings confirm how much you are into it.”]
No, once again you are twisting my words and misrepresenting them. If you place it in context, you'll find this:
Quote: [So much so, that like all 'tkers' you are unable to be objective. There is therefore no point to your 'tests']
And I guess I'll have to spell out what those words mean to any reasonable person reading it:
- You state that all TKers are unobjective.
- I am a TKer, and member of ppsociety
- Thus, I am one of them.
- Thus I am unobjective and any further tests and discussion are pointless ("therefore no point to your 'tests'")
This blatant, biased generalisation leaves me completely stunned. If being a TKer means I am unobjective then this claim is no better than those TKers that claimed *you* to be unobjective for the opposite reason. How laughable is that? Yes - I am easily amused. This is your choice of course, and so be it.
Please enlighten me, if I have misunderstood your black and white statements - as you misunderstood mine.
What also stuns me, is that you have known I was a TKer all this time. We all agreed that we were on opposite ends of the field. However suddenly this has dawned on you as a reason to shut the door on any discussion regarding any experimentation (eg my tests). If this is the way you feel, well, what can I say? It's your life...
On the one hand, you urge us, as TKers, to experiment and test our abilities. Then on the other hand, you call all TKers unobjective and state that any testing would be pointless. I guess we're all doomed :/
I have no interest in more insulting, pointless debate as to the existence of TK - as that was never my purpose here. I honestly had the interests of discussion regarding the experiments themselves. It seems that this forum seems to be more of a mud-sling match about the existence of TK - something that can certainly not be proven on a forum - I do not see the point to this sort of argument.
As such, I will continue my own experiments as best as I can manage, and as I am able. And unfortunately without your expertise, which I wil sorely miss. My progress journal will stay available for anyone interested ( I thank you for the help you have provided thus far - much of the information was invaluable.
I was, and remain, open to explanation as to my abilities, non-TK or otherwise. However as I already stated I require those explanations to be sufficient. Thus far no explanations have been presented from any corner that fully explain my experiences - and I thus require further development and investigation. I had hopes of obtaining advice from you as to my testing methods, but it seems that you've closed the door based on my experiences and personal beliefs.