Placebo's TK: March 2005

Placebo's TK

Thursday, March 17, 2005

New Host

I've bought myself some decent space of my own with a nice subdomain, and will be moving everything over soon - after designing my own blog system + site. Could be fun, I don't know php or mysql :P

Let's see... TK has taken a back seat for a while. I've decided to use it as an experiment for what happens with a longer-than-2-week break.
But not to worry, I'll be back into it soon.
The decision was triggered by a lot of personal events taking place at once - eg. the building of my new home before I have to move. Once everything beds down, and I'm rested, I'll be back :)

In addition to the stressful things, I've had one or two happy ones. I have myself a bearded dragon, a new kitten, and a decent digital camera.
I set up a simple webcam for Norbert (the dragon) at
Other pics of my pets, excluding the new one :

Anyway, I know this posting was largely unrelated to TK, but it's my blog so BLEH!
So onto house building, wedding anniversaries (with holidays), debt handling, electronics work, heavy secular work and website building...

Monday, March 07, 2005

Time Trouble

Alright, I haven't had time for TK for ... a while :(

I'm going to shuffle my day around to force it in. In any event, expect this page to be idle for a while longer

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


I've been doing intermittent practice with developmental TK (the foil on desk)
It's going slow, and I've taken a few detours. I want to break this barrier, so for a little while (while I do so) this blog is going to get boring :)