Test Day
As part of the Keith Mayes' telekinesis testing thingamabob, I did a few tests similar to what he did (Keith Mayes is a science author and sceptic, who does not believe in TK. He however believes that there is something that is causing our anomalies, and together our communities are working on looking at the possible answers)
Anyway heres the results for today. Ive been meaning to add the 2 pics I took, but got lazy and tired. Live with it. Pictures don't mean much anyway :P
TEST 1 - Unintentional 'Just put the hands there' test
21:42 - Set up pinwheel, closed windows and doors, washed hands, and touched bathroom piping. Covered mouth with pillow case, folded diagonally, tied behind head Wait for pinwheel to calm down (I have a video from yesterday showing that there are no draughts)
21:44 - Rub hands vigorously, to get them warm
21:46 - Initial air movement, from moving hands (I will not mention these again - I simply ignore them) Cupping hands close around the pinwheel (not what I usually do - I give it more distance)
21:49 - No movement. Rub hands some more, put wrists together...No movement. Finally have movement of approx. 7 degrees clockwise and anticlockwise slowly, alternating. for 20 seconds or so This only seems to happen if I keep my hands cupped close together around the wheel
21:55 - Rub hands again, try again... Cupping hands in the same identical way. hands are very warm. No movement whatsoever this time
TEST 2 - Intentional TK, the way that feels 'right'
22:12 - Now going to do TK the way I usually do - with approx 10 cm distance from the wheel, hands not cupped as before, but more spread out and distanced. Sweating under the pillowcase....
22:14 - After 1 minutes of nothing, switch hands to have them 'pointing' left, at bottom, right at top. approx 7 cm distance Another minute of nothing. Then it suddenly it moves 180 degrees clockwise, 90 a-c, 270 clockwise, 270 clockwise again Took a small breather (this pillowcase is hot :/)
22:19 - Started again this time with the intention to alternating direction when the movement stops. Approx 12 cm from wheel this time It soon moves 180 degrees a-c. and then 90 c. It continues like this, alternating with movement of about 90 to 180 each time, for the next 2 minutes or so It must have moved a total of at least 15 times, with a mistake in direction only once. Perhaps twice.
22:24 - Stopped for a breather
22:28 - Went to get iceblocks and water from cooler. And a towel Lay my hands in it for 30 secs. Damn that can be painful! Relief for 10 secs, More for 30 sec, and again. Very painful
22:34 - Soon moves 90 degrees a/c, and 45 c. Felt hands thawing out, so put them back at 22:36. Very difficult to concentrate with my bones aching.
22:37 - Wobbled a measly 10 degrees back and forth a bit. sluggishly. Not very convincing..
22:39 - Hands in ice again
22:40 - After a minute or so, it moves 180 c, 90 a-c, 45 c. Stopped. Jiggled a bit. Distance was about 10 cm
22:43 - Hour is up
the point of those experiments were to test heat on the psiwheel right? *scratches head* Also i have abandoned psipog aswell, you are right about the ppsociety
SlippedInsane, at 4:13 PM
Dear one Mr Placebo i am interested in starting a psi website. www.____.i8.com
could you please think up some names. and email them to me at slippedinsane@gmail.com so i can start building the website.
i was thinking along the lines of Psion training community or something like that. but there are no available abbreviations for that. Thanks for the help! good luck with the tk. p.s. if i do start the site i have a few surprises in store for you... heh heh heh
SlippedInsane, at 11:16 PM
You'd have to convince me what the value of the new site would be, over and above what ppsociety.com already has.
I mean, the original purpose of ppsociety is to help and teach each other telekinesis, and to study it.
What will a new site add to that?
Chilliboy, at 2:07 PM
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