Short Session
I stuck up a pinwheel next to my keyboard at work, but I find the air movement around me to be too far too problematic.
After work, I didn't get a lot of time. But practiced a little bit
First a few mins of straw, which I got right quite fast :)
The rest of the lesson I spent on the pinwheel
I seem to getting the hang of the feeling now - Feels good too :D
Till tomorrow. Probably gonna take off sick, not feeling too good today.
Discovering an aspect to our lives that cannot be explained by normal scientific means. Researching an unexplained phenomenon, that could open doors to new scientific possibilities.
Hmm.. how wasteful :P
When cars were invented, they drove at a measly walking speed. How wasteful of the inventors to make something that was so pointless, eh?
When computers were invented, they could barely add 2 and 2 together, took up entire rooms, and had to be literally rewired to change their operation.
What a waste of time, eh?
So go back to your dreary life then, and make some more money...
Chilliboy, at 12:03 AM
Hello scripture boy you must be joking. Telekenisis or more commonly known as psychokenisis. Has many doccumented occurances that in short prove the existance of this skill Placebo is attempting to gain control of. The Rhine research center in america has many such doccumented occurances. Placebo is not acutally wasting his time on developing that talent. Obviosly you know nothing about telekenisis because placebo is only just starting to gain control. With intensive training placbo will be able to one day move those things in under any condition except ones that make them completely unable to move e.g. underwater.
Placbo is not wasting time if he feels it has value and importance to him. Clearly you have different ideas on what is and isn't a waste of time. It appears as if you are materialistic with all your money grubbing. has your so called false religion of christianity taught you nothing? it says in the bible not to be materialisitc and yet you seek materialism. What Placebo is learning is valued higher than materialism for those who understand such things. I am sure that you most definitely have not opetrated a motor vehicle at some time. Most people who own motor vehicles abuse their priveladges. Most people on the road abuse the power of the engines within their vehicles for the adrenalin rush it gives them. That too is considered materialistic. I can also see that you do not know how to shave properly for me i have deleoped shaving down to such a fine art that i do not need to shave for 3 days or more. Elecric razors are no where near as good as a normal razor which cut closer to the skin meaning less hair remains to grow. No i say this you most certainly do not know anything about shaving because if you did you could dry shave in less than 1.5 minutes so do not abuse Placebo over such trivial things as not knowing how to shave. You lack skill at shaving that is why you use an electric razor. The question you should be asking yourself is why isnt shaving a waste of time. Shaving is indeed a huge waste of time and if you cannot see that you are truely ignorant.
What i have found interesting about your comment is the fact that you state you write a two page report while having sex with your significant other while on the way to work. That is most definitly not possible and i can turn out a two page report in little over 15 minutes. The other thing being is that your significant other is more than likely 'faking it' because you truely do not understand how to please this significant other.
So realy you should be trying to impress US because you live a mundane unfulfilling life which we consider a waste of time. You are working as a slave and not enjoying all you can do with the time you have. I just hope you realise this before you die.
In short take your thoughts elsewhere and your bible bashing too. no one wants to learn a flase religion that already has a major hold over the world. No wonder the world is going downhill. If all this has been too complex for you, pay a visit to my blog and i will surely have a conversation with you and point out all your faults.
this great quote can sum up all the bs you have said while trying to make placebo feel insecure because you have nothing better to do, that is a waste of time.
Quote "If you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all."
SlippedInsane, at 12:42 AM
Well, I can see this incensed Slipped-Insane.
And he has a few good points. And a few bad ones.
I'd just like to state that there are a few things that aren't comutative to my views here.
1) Scriptureboy didnt bring up the subject of religion, and as such, I don't consider him as 'bible bashing' (at this time). As a matter of fact, I'm religious myself. What annoys me is when TK is considered anti-religion, anti-science and/or anti-social. I see them as being all part of a tapestry
2) It's a bit of a leap calling you materialistic. Although I realise in afterthought, I implied the same.
It was a reactive statement, based on your patronising and insulting comments. In truth, we don't know each other, and cannot judge each other's attitude to life.
Let's just say that our opinions differ as to what we call 'wasteful' of time and effort - and I don't appreciate flaming with no attempt at an initial discussion.
Chilliboy, at 12:55 AM
PS - I'm not sure how the sex and shaving comments relate here... perhaps thats just me?
Chilliboy, at 1:05 AM
pfft idiot, what does practicing tk have to do with religion. rotfl that was such a stupid comment.
SlippedInsane, at 11:39 PM
Hi scriptureboy
Thanks for a reasonable reply :)
>> due to my powerful aversion to any search for power other than what is given us
We were given the fine physical and mental abilities we now possess. By God. We then further developed language from fine motor control and understanding of one another, over decades of development.
Language is one of the great abilities of mankind that cannot be argued as useless or pointless or vanity.
I see telekinesis as simply another underdeveloped natural ability. How is it that different?
Of course, it is difficult to appreciate where the understanding of telekinesis may take us at this stage. You could just call it a fascination in that case. If it were not for people similar to myself, new understandings of our world and of ourselves would not come about at all, in my opinion.
>> I cannot see value in looking for an ability that has no unit of measurement
>> to determine magnitude, and no clearly defined means of researching it.
When man first began lifting rocks, and uttering sounds, he had no unit of measuring things.
And yes, theres no clearly defined means to research or understand it - yet.
Sceptic and science author Keith Mayes is working with me, and others, at this moment in time to work on that problem.
>>What can you do with TK that cannot be done with physical labor?
Admittedly nothing yet, in the raw TK sense. It has absolutely zero practical use at this point in time. What I'm interested in, is discovering the basis behind it, in order to draw more use from that fundamental source.
Making grunting sounds does not immediately seem to do anything useful. And yet we created language from it that has massive use.
One very plausible discovery that may relate to what I'm doing is hutchison effect, which has been shown to be a possible 'neverending battery' source that could be used for propulsion.
If you watch the videos at you'll notice that the effects are very similar to telekinesis and spoonbending. Simply on steriods :)
So my point is, just because we do not know the source of the ability yet, does not mean it will remain useless to us. My aim is to eventually shed light on it, and take it further.
>>I will tell you what - by way of a bargain, if you can find a way to permanently
>>do away with spam and pop-up ads through use of TK, I will concede the point of usefulness
That's like saying that you'll concede that language is useful when it stops lions in their tracks.
I never claimed telekinesis to have any effect on the internet :|
>>What good can come from seeking power (and the ensuing glory) in man rather
>>than God? What happens to society when men begin to think of themselves as
>>the final arbiter, the ultimate power? Where is the line drawn?
God provided us the ability to speak and learn to form sentences and write literature, including religious books.
Was that ability sought after from ourselves? Of course not.. he created us this way.
Telekinesis is not 'MY' ability at all - it is a potential ability we are all endowed with by his own hand.
How is investigating what I was given, now considered 'seeking power and glory in man'. God is completely entitled to the claim on anything I do. *Everything* I do is as a result of his creation
I'm not on any power trip at all, I'm not unique in my abilities, and I do not wish to be the ultimate power. The line is drawn by the heart - and my heart is *not* inclined to the ultimate glory and lordship of possessing the ability
My interest is grounded in fascination and wonder at how it could be used, and how it can possibly work - remembering that it is God's own creation.
PS: I thank you for reminding me of the source of my abilities :)
Chilliboy, at 12:18 AM
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